Leadership College
“… to equip the saints for the work of ministry, for building up the body of Christ.”
Ephesians 4:12
Students can expect to receive a vibrant, challenging, and rewarding experience that will equip them with godly wisdom, practical skills, knowledge, and clarity on their place and purpose in the family of God.
Colonial Leadership College is structured as a one year program, with an option for a second year.
Each academic year consists of three semesters: fall, winter, and spring.
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Each academic year includes three semesters of in-person lectures by our Colonial faculty focused on leadership development, biblical studies, and the doctrinal foundations of the local church.
Students have access to an academic pathway of curated courses which are online and completely on demand, providing flexibility throughout the academic year.
Students also participate in ministry practicums that provide hands-on experience in various areas of church ministry, such as Sunday serving teams, Colonial Kids, Youth House, Exchange, Worship and Creative, and Pastoral Care.
Students will have a weekly Bible reading and writing assignment where they develop an ability to approach and understand the text in context, and learn to study the Word on behalf of others.
Anyone who desires to be a servant leader in the local church and values the opportunity to be further equipped for ministry.
There is a weekly Bible reading and writing assignment. This should take on average an hour per week. There are also online courses that the student will take on-demand as best works for their schedule. The average time for coursework is two hours per week.
Colonial Leadership College is comprised of three semesters.
Fall Semester - October 7 - December 16
Winter Semester - February 3 - February 24
Spring Semester - March 24 - May 26
Any ministry expression of Colonial Church is a potential area of practicum for students. The student’s interest, experience, passion and capacity will be evaluated during the admissions process and the student will be assigned to the appropriate practicum ministry.
Core onsite hours will be Sunday services, special events, and Mondays 6:00pm - 7:00pm. All other onsite hours will be determined by what specific ministries you are assigned to serve your practicum in.
Pastor David Kuwabara is the College Director and primary instructor/oversight for Leadership College. Other instructors include Lead Pastors, Teaching Pastor, and various guest lecturers.
$200 for the academic year. Students are also required to purchase the New Bible Commentary: 21st Century Edition.
A Certificate of Ministry is Colonial Church validating that a student has invested a year of their life to grow in wisdom, experience, commitment, and love for God’s House. It signifies that the graduating student has received and carries the capacity of ministry leadership in the local church.